Sunday, October 12, 2008

Our Family Weekend (Part 1)

Lily has had the best weekend ever! She has totally enjoyed having Pop at home with us, and Aunt Suzette has been over all weekend, too. So, I thought I would start this post off with a big kiss from Lily. She is puckering up... Lily has been a lap-girl all weekend long. She has wanted to sit with Pop or Aunt Suzette all weekend long. Here is Pop feeding her some puffed corn.
He kept teasing her with it, and she would laugh and laugh.
Then, he finally gave her a bite.

Here are Pop and Lily being silly with real kitty and fake kitty. We are trying to get Lily to like both of them so we can wash real kitty from time to time. She has done pretty well dealing with fake kitty when that is the only choice she has. But, she would much rather have real kitty. I will post more pictures from the weekend tomorrow.

1 comment:

the mommy said...

Lily is just adorable reminds me of someone I know and Love :)
