Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Video Crazy

Here are a couple of videos showing Lily learning her ABC's. Lily is absolutely in-love with Sesame Street's Do The Alphabet Video. So, most days we spend at least 45 minutes watching the main ABC song over and over and over and over again. It is always followed with the sign language for "Again", the word Again, and the sign language for "Please".

Next, we have a few videos from Lily in the kitchen this evening. Lily is in major copycat mode now. She really watches and pays close attention to everything we do. So, tonight, we were trying to catch her jibber-jabber. It is hilarious. Once she realized we were taping her, she stopped talking. Then, she started copying Jamie. We thought it was cute...

Then, she reached up on the counter, and she grabbed the phone. I am sure she was trying to call Aunt Suzette. She knows how to get to her number on speed dial, somehow. She has been called a few times by Lily- sometimes we know she is calling her and sometimes we don't! :0)

Then, Jamie had to plunge Lily's toilet upstairs. Jamie asked if Lily had ever watched me do this because she knew exactly what to do with it. She had seen me do it one other time, but it has been awhile ago. Here is a little example of our copycat. Jamie just handed the plunger to Lily before he ever showed her what to do tonight.

We just have to show you one more plunging episode. The second time Jamie gave her a turn- she really tried to do her best!

We hope you enjoyed these videos! We were just video crazy today! By the way, Lily will be 16 months old tomorrow. I cannot believe that 6 months with her has flown by. They have been the best 6 months of our lives!

1 comment:

lillian08 said...

FANTASTIC!!! I can't wait to show Lilli these videos tonight!
I especially love the plunger videos... AWESOME!!!
Happy 6 Month Gotcha Day!!! Go out and eat some Chinese food tonight for dinner! :o)