This morning, Lily decided that she was ready to wake up with us at 6 a.m. It was actually the perfect gift for me. She wasn't fully awake. So, Jamie went down to get me some breakfast. I ate it quickly, then he got into the shower. Lily laid on top of me in the bed just hugging and kissing for 15 minutes. It was the best way to start my day. Jamie took care of her while I got ready, and then Aunt Mindy came to start her new job. We took Lily to her playroom, and that is where we left her. She just looked really confused, but there were no tears. (Not on her part, anyway!)
I didn't call home one time, but I did call Jamie a few times today. I called him before lunch, and he had just talked to Mindy. She had called and said, "We didn't discuss this, but what should I do if Lily falls asleep in her highchair." I thought that was so funny. Jamie went on home for his lunchbreak at that time so he could give her a bottle. Then, she went right to sleep in her bed. She did wake up after about an hour, and Mindy just rocked her back to sleep. Mindy said that there was only one small meltdown on her part, but the rest of the day was great. She said it was the best job ever! Isn't that exactly what a Mom wants to hear at the end of the day!!
So, I left school as soon as possible, and I drove a little faster that I should in some places. I finally arrived home, and I walked downstairs. When I walked through the door, Lily did a double take. Then, I ran over and grabbed her up giving her tons of hugs and kisses. She didn't want me to put her down, and that is how our day has continued. She wants my complete attention, and she is giving out tons of loving. I am so thankful to leave my daughter in such wonderful care. We are so blessed to have Aunt Mindy and cousin Nathan here with Lily each day! So, thank you to all of you who prayed for us today! We needed those prayers, and I still need them each day. But, I am well on my way to letting Lily find her wings.
(Oh, and the picture above is just from the other day. We took Lily out to eat with Aunt Trina and Aunt Ruella. So, we just had to have a picture of her in her Eiffel Tower outfit!)
Glad to hear your day went well, We thought about you alot today.
I am glad that the both of you are transitioning well. This is one of the many trials that you will have in the life of a mom. Of course, you will weather each 'storm' and be amazed that all turned out well. As long as you are positive, Lily will also be positive! you go girl - I am SOOO proud of you!!
Mary McG
in TN
so glad to hear you made it through the first day! honestly just have to take it day by day and you are SO very lucky that you are able to leave her with family. That is a awesome gift!
so glad to hear you made it through the first day! honestly just have to take it day by day and you are SO very lucky that you are able to leave her with family. That is a awesome gift!
YEHAAW! Lily and Stephanie!
Now that's what I like to hear!
That a' girl!
Miss Lily is going to be fine, but now we need to work on you sleeping and obeying speed limits. You know, Danny is a deputy... Do I need to tattle on you? Hummmm...
And those kisses and hugs at the end of the day are the BEST EVER!!!!
Being a part from one another will get easier everyday!! ;o)~
Love you,
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