A blog about our beautiful daughter, Lily Grace, and our handsome son, Jordy Walker
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Aunt Mindy's Photos
Monday, August 25, 2008
Lily's First Concert
Once again, God has shown us how perfect He is. He truly made Lily for us in every way!
Here is a video of part of the concert if you are interested to hear a little of the band. We cannot wait to take her to many more concerts with us!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Baba Magnet
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
15 Month Check-Up
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Bathtime with Baba
Friday, August 15, 2008
Green with Envy
We are so thankful for our Lily. I am sad to see her so upset in the first pictures, but we knew that God had made her specifically for us. So, we knew that in His time, she would know she was ours too. Now, looking back, I cannot believe that 5 months with Lily have just flown by. As I type, she is giggling with her Baba and rolling around in the floor. Our lives feel so complete with Lily here. We have learned one thing through our experience- you may not ever understand why God allows certain things to happen in your life- but His plan is always perfect! Lily is proof of that!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Thank you, Jen, for the wonderful new word! Your Lilli's ting-a-lings are so cute!!!! (If you want to see Lilli's ting-a-lings, just click on the link to the left that says The Princess Diary.)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Life without Lily
Onto the cowboy hat picture- that is Baba's hat and Lily has a real fascination with it. We kept trying to get a picture of her face, but every time we would click the camera- she would pull it down. I thought that was a cute picture, too!
Here is Miss Lily getting into everything. You know how kids watch everything you do... and I mean EVERYTHING. Well, beside our bed, I have a drawer with Little Tummy Drops for Lily, Orajel, Benadryl (just in case she had an allergic reaction to something upstairs), and our nose spray. She likes to go through the drawer, pulling things out, and then she puts them back. She just started going through the drawer, pulling out the nose spray and putting it up to her nose, then she makes a sniffy sound. She always looks at me like she expects applause for her cleverness. She is quite observant these days!
Here is Aunt Trina at school in my classroom for our school cookout last night. Lily just adores her, and she stayed with her for most of the evening. She has certainly come out of her shell at school. Trina is showing her my China bulletin board.
Now, Lily is looking through my cousin, Michael Cooper's, books that I have displayed in my classroom. She went straight to them, and as you can see, she wanted to read them right away. Hopefully, I will be able to post again soon with some new videos! Have a great day everyone!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
A Beautiful Lily
Saturday, August 9, 2008
14 Months
Her food choices are hilarious, too, now. Whatever we eat, she wants. She has eaten sauteed veggies, fried green tomatoes, lo mein noodles, fried noodles, fried rice, scrambled eggs, biscuits, grits, oatmeal, fries, spinach, french onion soup, broccoli & cheese soup, grilled cheese sandwiches- you name it. The funny thing is that when we are eating- she does not want to use her silverware anymore. She only wants to eat off of our fork or spoon. She just turns her head and refuses the bite until it is on our fork. Then, she will just gobble it up.
One more cute story and then I am done breaking the Baba rule for the computer- Lily has watched Suzette leave the same way all summer long. She gets her purse, puts it on her forearm, waves bye-bye and says it, then blows her kisses. When she left yesterday, I brought Lily back downstairs to her playroom. Lily walked over, opened her cabinet where her purse is. Then, she put it on her forearm, turned around with a huge grin- said bye-bye while waving at me, then blew me kisses and walked toward the door. She thought she was too cute. I had to call Suzette immediately. How sweet is that! I wish I would have gotten it on video. Hopefully, she will do it again.
Have a great weekend! I will post more with pictures on Monday!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
We made it!
This morning, Lily decided that she was ready to wake up with us at 6 a.m. It was actually the perfect gift for me. She wasn't fully awake. So, Jamie went down to get me some breakfast. I ate it quickly, then he got into the shower. Lily laid on top of me in the bed just hugging and kissing for 15 minutes. It was the best way to start my day. Jamie took care of her while I got ready, and then Aunt Mindy came to start her new job. We took Lily to her playroom, and that is where we left her. She just looked really confused, but there were no tears. (Not on her part, anyway!)
I didn't call home one time, but I did call Jamie a few times today. I called him before lunch, and he had just talked to Mindy. She had called and said, "We didn't discuss this, but what should I do if Lily falls asleep in her highchair." I thought that was so funny. Jamie went on home for his lunchbreak at that time so he could give her a bottle. Then, she went right to sleep in her bed. She did wake up after about an hour, and Mindy just rocked her back to sleep. Mindy said that there was only one small meltdown on her part, but the rest of the day was great. She said it was the best job ever! Isn't that exactly what a Mom wants to hear at the end of the day!!
So, I left school as soon as possible, and I drove a little faster that I should in some places. I finally arrived home, and I walked downstairs. When I walked through the door, Lily did a double take. Then, I ran over and grabbed her up giving her tons of hugs and kisses. She didn't want me to put her down, and that is how our day has continued. She wants my complete attention, and she is giving out tons of loving. I am so thankful to leave my daughter in such wonderful care. We are so blessed to have Aunt Mindy and cousin Nathan here with Lily each day! So, thank you to all of you who prayed for us today! We needed those prayers, and I still need them each day. But, I am well on my way to letting Lily find her wings.
(Oh, and the picture above is just from the other day. We took Lily out to eat with Aunt Trina and Aunt Ruella. So, we just had to have a picture of her in her Eiffel Tower outfit!)
Monday, August 4, 2008
Finding Lily's Wings
Shopping with Lily
We went shopping this weekend. Lily is the best shopper ever. She loves being out and about. She never complains. Of course, now, she only spends about half of her time in the HipPanda. Then, we get her out, and she walks with us. She thinks she is just the coolest thing with her new walking legs. The whole walking thing is still so amazing to us. It is just so neat to watch her every day as her legs become more stable and not quite as wobbly.