Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday Morning...

Here are the pictures of Lily from this morning. She had to get up early to go to school with me. We had an inservice day, so she got to play in my room all day. Of course, she entertained the rest of the faculty at school with her new words and new things she is doing.
She was still half-asleep while she was eating her cheerios for breakfast.

This is a picture of her last night. She was jumping up and down on our bed after her bath.


Kevin and Kim said...

Very cute...she looks very comfy in that sweatshirt!

I hope things are going to be okay with your babysitter...

jocelyn031708 said...

What wonderful pictures, I love the smile on her face in the picture where she is jumping up and down on your bed.

Have a good week


lillian08 said...

She's so sweet... I bet she had a great time, spending the day with her Mommy at school. I remember when I used to go with my Mom to school on her teacher's workdays... I always felt soooo big! I was a bit older than Lily, butthey are memories I will always cherish!

Anonymous said...

Very cute ........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!she looks very comfy in that sweatshirt!! I love Lily very much.....!!!!!!!! I love you guys....!!!!