Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Another day at home...

We have spent the day together reading, cuddling, and watching tons of Hannah Montana, Peep, and Tinkerbell. Those have been her 3 choices of entertainment. I think I almost have the Hannah theme-song memorized. You can ask Jamie- he is ready for me to learn something new. :0) She is running a fever again, and she is so tired. Her spots are popping up with the clear, oozy liquid in them. Yuck! It is pretty nasty. But, I will be glad when they crust over and finish up with their process. I was hoping that we would just be out a week with her mild-case of pox. But, it looks like Jamie will be taking some days off next week. Please continue praying for Lily. I think today she has felt the worst of all.


Kevin and Kim said...

Hoping she feels better soon!! Sounds like she has a great nurse!! :) Keep us posted.

jocelyn031708 said...

Prayers are going up that she will feel better real soon.