Saturday, February 20, 2010

Chinese New Year's Celebration

Lily said she would try the dress on, but only for some pictures.
At least she smiled. As soon as Baba finished with the pictures, the dress was off.
We had dinner at a Chinese Restaurant, then we made New Year's crafts with the girls. Lily made a new friend tonight- her name is Lily Grace, too. She is 4 1/2 years old. Isn't she a cutie!

Here are the other girls doing their crafts at the next table.
The girls were working hard making their Year of the Tiger picture frames.
Then, we got the girls together for a group photo. Meg helped Lily to get in the picture.
Lily loved Meg- can you tell from the big grin. Last year, we could barely get her in the picture, but this year, we had a hard time getting her to stop posing.
From left to right: Kate, Lily, Meg, Keaira, Amie, Kenli, and Lily

The girls in blue are Lily's doctor's girls. They are so sweet.
We couldn't even get Lily to get out of pictures that parents wanted
to take without Lily in them!
She had a great evening with all of the girls!

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